How do I find the capacity to reach out to one more person who might not even be interested in cultivating a friendship with me? Worse yet, what if we really hit it off? Yet another painful goodbye down the road.
When God Hides
The Authentic Coach
Coaching Through Failure
Silence and the Coaching Session
In the natural world, the quietest places are often the deepest places...the deep sea, deep into the woods, a deep cavern. These can be frightening places to explore, involving a fair amount of risk and uncertainty. In the same way, navigating silence in the coaching conversation may feel risky and uncertain. However, as coach and client embrace silence, we allow God to take us deeper into those places of discovery.
The Payoff of Persistence
A little more persistence could be just what we need to make steady progress toward our goals and dreams. Often, the assumption is that doing more and going faster are the answers. Persistence with payoff, however, must be grounded in the substance of rest, reflection, and a good dose of play from time to time.
Delusional Pigeons
What's that Smell?
Read 2 Corinthians 2:14-16
Scripture Focus: Ephesians 5:1
Isn’t it amazing how our memories can be awakened by certain smells, taking us to a person, place or thing from our past? This past winter as I was working in my garden, I noticed one rose just starting to bloom. Fearing the approaching cold would hinder it, I clipped it off and brought it indoors. Over the next few days, the rose unfolded and subsequently gave off a beautiful scent which filled our living room.
The flower’s aroma took me back to childhood visits to grandma’s house in Northern California. Her home was filled with the scent of rose. There are other things I remember about those visits: Grandpa snoozing in his recliner. The feisty little Yorkshire terrier running around the house. But the aroma…that’s what hit me the most.
We’ve been created to spread the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere (2 Corinthians 2:14). This happens when we imitate our Lord’s example of love and sacrificial service (Ephesians 5:1). In the same way the scent of a rose conjures up a pleasant memory, our lives of service are meant to remind people of their loving Creator and His plan for them. What could be more pleasing to our heavenly Father?
Thought for the Day: What am I doing to remind others of God’s love for them?
Prayer: Lord, help us to be joyful imitators of your Son. May our lives give off the fragrance of Christ to those who may need a reminder of just how much you care for them.
Read: Jeremiah 23:23-24
Scripture Focus: Genesis 28:15-16
Big life change can often bring about a sense of confusion or feeling lost. When the familiar things in life are replaced by the unfamiliar, God can seem distant and unconcerned. That was certainly how I was feeling two years ago after moving to the bustling metropolis of Istanbul, a city of over 15 million people.
Me, my wife and our two children had moved into a small apartment in a bustling part of the city. It was at the crossroads of two busy streets. The traffic noise was like nothing I had ever experienced, and it seemed to be constant throughout the day and night.
The call to prayer rang out from several different mosques in our neighborhood. I was feeling a bit lost and distant from God. I was thousands of miles away from the spacious house I had been living in for the past seven years, complete with a large garden and fruit trees. Unfamiliar surroundings. New sights and sounds. I was beginning to wonder, “Lord did I hear you right? Are you really in this move?”
Just then I heard God’s whisper through the scriptures, “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” (Jer. 23:23). I realized that He was encouraging me to trust Him with the change and uncertainty I was feeling. I could never escape his sight and his presence, even in this faraway and unfamiliar place. In fact, during the days and months that followed, His nearness became more real to me than it ever would have been if I had chosen to stay in my comfortable surroundings.
Thought for the Day: God is nearby in faraway places.
Prayer: Lord, help us to trust you with the uncertainties of transition. In lonely and uncomfortable surroundings, may you be our constant companion and ever present help.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye
Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. – Matthew 7:24-25
Shifting sand. So much of life feels like that. Even now I’m sitting here waiting for a flight which has already been delayed 6 hours and will likely cause me to miss the next connection. Plans gone awry. Hopes left unfulfilled. Dreams delayed. Unwelcomed news.
Thankfully, there is a way to be grounded even while the rain pours and the earth beneath us shifts: Hearing the words of Christ and putting them into practice. The combination of hearing and doing is essential to success as it relates to what we build and how we weather the storms of life. Every person builds something in this life. But the lasting quality of what is constructed depends on how well we listen and how consistently we put those words into practice. This is what distinguishes wisdom from folly. I wonder…Am I being wise or foolish?
It's been said, "God gave us two ears and one mouth, so we ought to listen twice as much as we speak." I like the way Jesus puts it, "He who has ears, let him hear." - Matthew 13:9
Attentive hearing has a way of preventing unfortunate situations which our hurried actions can create. We stop to hear (really hear) those around us. We pause to hear God. This invites wisdom into our actions, infuses meaning into the doing. Hearing well engages the heart ahead of the hands, which is essential to effective service. Hearing enables us to serve out of depth of conviction and personal character, bringing life and hope to those around us.
All these benefits to the practice of hearing, and I wonder why I’m so slow to learn. I guess there’s no better time like a flight delay to practice some hearing in the midst of waiting. Hopefully, I can become a little more wise in the process!
Choosing Wonder
I still do a lot of writing the old fashioned way, by hand. I realize that must sound very archaic, and it's one of the reasons why most of my musings don't turn up in this much-neglected blog! I just completed my last entry for this year in my journal, simply because there were no more empty pages! Time to start a new one. The following contains my ramblings from today's entry as I reflected on the events of Matthew 4....
I wonder if the devil came in some physical form when he came to tempt Jesus...
I wonder if angels have ever come to "attend" to my needs...
I wonder if Zebedee was ever angry with Jesus for taking his two sons and leaving him with all the work...
I wonder (and pray) if there can be a new move of God's power to sweep over modern day Syria, multiplying thousands upon thousands of Christ followers...
It just seems fitting to close this journal with questions, since mostly that is what I have for my Lord. The events of this year have once again confirmed my inability to figure things out, to have the answers. Too often, my questions come out of frustration and doubt. I'm reminded, however, of the potential to flip these moments into wonder. The Advent season is a great time to begin this practice, to leave the questioning and complaining behind (Chances are, we won't find the answers anyway!) and turn them into wonder. My prayer today is for expressions of wonder to permeate my being as I celebrate the first advent of Christ and look forward to his glorious return.
The Trust Factor
We live in a get-things-done world which places little value on trusting God and cooperating with him to accomplish things His way and in His time. What if we could approach each life challenge as an opportunity to grow in the area of trust? There are distinct benefits to growing in trust. Here are several (Based on Numbers 20:1-13):
- Get it Right the First Time
When we allow impatience and anger to control our decisions and actions, we often find ourselves doing clean up - going back and trying to repair the damage we’ve caused to the people around us. Or work and relationships suffer, both with people and with our heavenly Father. We succeed more often when we trust God by being patient, waiting for His leading and cooperating with His instructions in the Bible.
- Honor God in the Process
What happens when we burst out in anger or resentment, allowing our pride to get the best of us? It only serves to draw attention to ourselves rather than to our amazing God. We honor God by trusting him to work in impossible situations. It’s alright to say, “Lord I don’t know how You’re going to work this one out, but help me to honor Your great Name with my attitude and actions.” That takes trust!
- Do Less - Accomplish More
Do you ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels? You approach a challenge from a number of different angles, but nothing seems to work. It might even seem like you’re going backwards. Could it be time to trust more and do less? Sometimes I’m amazed at how much gets accomplished when I step back from a situation and surrender control to God.
As believers, we not only trust God for the outcome. We’re also called to trust Him in the process. In this way, the challenges we face daily become more than mere pass/fail tests. They become opportunities to learn the benefits of trusting God.
In My Lifetime
"The word of the Lord you have spoken is good, " Hezekiah replied. For he thought, "There will be peace and security in my lifetime." - Isaiah 39:8 Let's work our way backwards from here. King Hezekiah had become deathly ill. The prophet Isaiah, acting on the word of the Lord, told the king to put his house in order because he was going to die. A despairing king seeks the Lord with tears and gets an answer few could hope for: an additional 15 years added to his life. Not a bad deal.
The truth is, all of Hezekiah's previous years were just as much a gift from God as those bonus 15 years which God subsequently gave him. The pressing question is, What will I do with the years of my youthful vigor when I don't feel a sense of urgency to do something for God? Those years are a gift from His hand (By the way, I'm afraid I've used up most of them!). To put it another way, How will I steward my time and resources when death is not staring me in the face and I feel like I have all the time in the world?
A dear colleague of mine just passed from this earthly life to his eternal home at the age of 51. That's only 5 years my senior! And let's face it. Most of us will never succeed in persuading God to give us an additional 15 years!
Ok, enough about death. Let's talk about life, abundant and eternal, without end. If you haven't heard, Jesus is the source of this life and gives freely to all who come to him.
When Hezekiah received his new lease on life, the first thing he did was worship. We might call this a song or a poem dedicated to the Giver of Life. How are you doing when it comes to thanking God creatively and continually in the moments, days, months and years He's given you? What could a "thank you" to God look like for you right now? Personally, I've noticed some room for improvement in this area of my life.
The next thing Hezekiah did following his recovery is not as impressive. In fact, it greatly displeased God. He flaunted the riches of his kingdom to some visiting representatives of the king of Babylon. He sought to impress and draw attention to himself rather than give glory to God. The consequence? God kept his original promise of 15 years for Hezekiah. He is faithful. However, the descendants of the king would not have it so good. They would be plundered and made slaves to the king of Babylon. Hezekiah's response? To paraphrase Isaiah 39:8, "As long as God's word has no immediate impact on me, I could care less."
Ouch! From gratitude to indifference in such a short amount of time! But let's face it. We've all been where Hezekiah has been. The contrast may not be as sharp, but nonetheless just as real. Gratitude to indifference. Feeling blessed to feeling the victim. Taking great care to caring less.
All of this begs the question, Is it enough to have "peace and security" in one's lifetime, or is there a greater cause which demands a new motto? Did God spare Hezekiah not only for his sake but for the sake of others- descendants that he would never see? Does God save us for certain causes which we cannot physically embrace this side of heaven and yet are no less important than the here and now?... Descendants who live and love even better than we do. Children and grandchildren who do great things for God. A legacy passed down to our great, great, great grandchildren. Yes, I believe my life can and should praise God beyond my death. And I believe the scriptures encourage us to live in such a way that causes a testimony to ring out long after we're dead and gone.
For me, peace and security in my lifetime just doesn't do the trick. I need a new motto. Anyone out there have a catchy one you'd be willing to share?
Led by the Spirit...Into the Desert
I love the idea of being led by the Spirit into green pastures and quiet waters. These are moments when I experience God's presence and favor. Sometimes these moments are repeated day after day, becoming seasons of rest and fresh revelation from the Lord. I know Who is in control and I'm confident that He is taking care of every need. In a sense, I'm being pampered.
Yet what about the times when the Good Shepherd leads us into desert places? Those dry and lonely places where He seems distant and unconcerned? This often happens during periods of transition. Could God be preparing me for something, slowly and patiently working on my character and strengthening my ability to resist temptation? Is He possibly moving me into a new area of ministry and greater influence?
In preparation times the fundamental need is for our resistance to be built up. Our ability to resist and overcome evil is connected to our capacity to do good. And so Jesus was "led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." - Matthew 4:1
Forty days of being led by the Spirit. Forty days of temptation. My common perception has been that the temptation occurred strictly at the end of the 40 days. But Luke's gospel states that Jesus was tempted for forty days (Lk 4:1). One trial after another, one long season of dryness and difficulty. Ever feel this way? I have. Could it be that this is no accident? What if God has designed this season for a purpose, specifically for your long-term benefit and growth?
I confess, sometimes I need a change of perspective before I can truly learn to cooperate with God in the desert places. Rather than seeing my dilemma as a form of punishment, I've needed to embrace it as His provision. Don't get me wrong. I'll take the green pastures and quiet waters any day. But I'm learning to trust God's leading and purpose in the desert places as well.
After David was settled in his palace, he said to Nathan the prophet, “Here I am, living in a house of cedar, while the ark of the covenant of the Lord is under a tent.” Nathan replied to David, “Whatever you have in mind, do it, for God is with you.” - I Chronicles 17:1-2 Upon reading the above passage and the verses which follow, I was struck by my tendency to think and plan without taking the time to get the big picture. From a position of comfort and security, I start thinking I know what God needs and when he needs it. I start making plans and ask God to bless them. That's called presumption!
- Presumptuous thinking and planning often start with good intentions. David wanted to build a house that would honor God's name. But did God ever say he wanted a house, let alone that David would be the one to build it? David's motivation was good, but he lacked the broader perspective of what God was doing through the generations and with a whole nation. He lacked vision. He need God's perspective.
- Presumptuous thinking and planning is often rooted in comfort and security. David was settled in his palace. Comfort and security have a way of dulling our senses. The danger is to equate good times and good feelings with God's blessing and favor. I'm not saying that God doesn't desire to bless and give good gifts to his children; He certainly does. But King David was reminded that God's plan went far beyond his own personal comfort and present state of feeling blessed.
God was quick to remind David that He doesn't operate on a need basis. He doesn't need anything. Instead, He works to accomplish His vision for the sake of the people He loves and for the blessed future He envisions for them. He desires to communicate His vision to us so that we have the ability to partner effectively with Him.
Once God had spoken, I believe a burden was lifted from David's shoulders - the burden to do something for God which we often carry with us. The burden to please by doing something for Him rather than being with Him. That day I believe King David traded his self-induced, short term, presumptuous thinking for God's long-term vision. And just maybe, the king slept a little better that night as he reflected on God's words...
“‘I declare to you that the Lord will build a house for you..." - I Chronicles 17:10b
"...and he separated the light from the darkness." - Genesis 1:4b I'm thankful for the way in which our Creator distinguishes and separates His creation. His work of separation in creation brings order out of chaos. Light from darkness. Night from day. He makes a distinction between the plants, animals, and the climax of his creation humankind. We exist because of God's intentional, supernatural act of creating order, functionality and beauty out of chaos.
While we take for granted God's work of distinguishing in creation and the physical order, are we aware that He also does this in the spiritual realm? He takes us out of darkness and distinguishes us as children of the day. He calls us out of bondage into freedom. He brings us out sinful habits and lifestyles into His holiness.
Although God created this world for us in all its vast beauty, He also created us for another world, our heavenly home. We are a peculiar people, unique and set apart for His glory. God's purpose in distinguishing us is twofold: to give us a peculiar platform by which we can share his love here on earth, all the while preparing us for an eternity with Him.
For Reflection:
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." - 1 Peter 2:9
Hard Work, Low Pay, Miserable Conditions
Hard Work, Low Pay, Miserable Conditions. This was the slogan of the CCC (California Conservation Corps) in the 80's when I signed up. At twenty years of age, no direction in life, and a love for the outdoors, somehow it appealed to me. By the way, I just took a peek at their website. The slogan remains the same except that they've added "and more" at the end. I wonder what "more" could possibly be?
Jacob experienced his share of hard work, low pay and miserable conditions. In recounting his time of toil to his father-in-law Laban he states, "This was my situation: The heat consumed me in the daytime and the cold at night, and sleep fled from my eyes. It was like this for the twenty years I was in your household. I worked for you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks, and you changed my wages ten times...." - Genesis 31:40-41
Jacob the deceiver had finally met his match in the person of Laban. Laban treated him unfairly, squeezing as much as he could possibly get out of his son-in-law. It seems that that Jacob needed to have this experience of hard work under cruel conditions for his own personal growth and maturity.
Nevertheless, God's favor and blessing was upon Jacob. With the exception of some jealousy and rivalry between his wives, Jacob prospered, revealing that God's hand was clearly upon him. I've read this story many times, but this time I noticed something different - a connection between hardship and blessing, perseverance and reward. God's blessing often comes as a result of years of difficulty, enabling us not merely to survive, but to thrive in the furnace of testing. In the process He works on our character and disciplines us when needed, as He did with Jacob, until we have the capacity to be faithful stewards of that which He entrusts to us. And ultimately we are rewarded for our faithfulness.
As Jacob processes his long and often difficult history with Laban, he continued, "But God has seen my hardship and the toil of my hands..." (Genesis 31:42). I'm thankful that we can know God's favor in the midst of challenging times. Whatever we might go through - hard work, low pay, miserable conditions - these can become opportunities to experience God in deeper ways. Today, I choose to lift my eyes to a God who is able to leverage my present circumstances to fulfill His greater purposes.
For Reflection: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." - Genesis 50:20
Look in the Rearview
"Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel's army, withdrew and went behind them." - Exodus 14:19
God's presence, manifest in the pillar of cloud, went before and in front of the people. This reassured them that He was leading. It gave them confidence, a visible reminder that God was on their side. But all of that changed when God's presence moved from out front and above to behind the people. I wonder if this re-positioning of God was disconcerting to His people? Could they feel an unexplainable change? Did they sense something was different?
I love it when God seems to be out front and above, guiding and overshadowing with His presence. But I'm still learning to trust Him when He moves to the background and goes behind. I'm realizing that even in these times He is actively relating to me, just in a different way.
Prayer: Like the Israelites, sometimes I feel trapped between a merciless sea and a threatening army. Lord, give me Your perspective when I look in the rearview mirror of life. Give me a glimpse of your constant presence. And may I be reassured, knowing that You are working to bring about a great deliverance.
The Trust Factor
In response to an angry and thirsty mob of complaining Israelites, Moses knew what to do first. Even better,he knew Who to consult. He and his brother Aaron went to meet with God, and He gave them specific instructions. "The Lord said to Moses, 'Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink.'” -Numbers 20:7-8
I wonder...did Moses receive God's instructions and depart from that place of meeting without dealing with his anger and frustration? If so, it proved to be a costly mistake.
God told Moses to speak to the rock; instead, he struck it twice - I'm assuming in anger. Moses took a forceful, heavy-handed approach rather than choosing to simply speak and trust God. God redeemed the situation and did the miracle anyway. But it cost Moses dearly. He would be forbidden to enter the promised land. Why? "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me....". Ouch!
I think God loves to place challenges before me so that I can learn to trust him. And I don't think I'm alone. This is one of the ways he meets us in our situations. And when we meet with him, inviting Him into our struggle, he is always ready to help. In the most difficult times, there is nothing we can do (or should do) other than trust Him. In Moses' case, speaking to the rock required more patience and trust and less action on his part.
Can I trust God to work through my speaking as well as my doing? All around us people are pushing and shoving, hitting and hurting in order to make things happen. Some of us have been taught that this is the way to get ahead, to succeed in life. Is it?
Lately I've been feeling a need to push less and trust more. And somehow this will bring honor to God and ensure a joyous homecoming.
Prayer: God, this challenge is requiring me to trust You more. Help me not to force my way through it or try to escape it. But may I learn Your ways in the midst of it. In the process, may You be honored in the sight of those within my sphere of influence.
*Reflections taken from Numbers 20:1-13
Whose Image Is This?
On one occasion some Pharisees and Herodians questioned Jesus about whether or not it was acceptable to pay taxes to Caesar. Although Jesus knew their intention was to trap him in his words, He took the opportunity to point out the difference between earthly obligations and heavenly ones. "Then Jesus said to them, 'Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.' And they were amazed at him." (Mark 12:17) His reply was a rebuke to his would-be accusers who cared little about pleasing Caesar and were sorely misguided in their efforts at pleasing God.
While Caesar's likeness was imprinted on a coin, God's fingerprints can be recognized on all of His creation, especially us who are made in His image. Giving ourselves to Him unconditionally and with total surrender points to an acknowledgement of God's claim of ownership on our lives. We are His image bearers and we belong to Him. And contrary to what many think, real freedom comes from living in the light of these truths.
Prayer: Lord, I give myself in wonder and amazement that I'm made in Your image and belong to You. Thank you for the freedom this acknowledgement brings into my life. Help me to walk your path of freedom today.