Choosing Wonder

I still do a lot of writing the old fashioned way, by hand. I realize that must sound very archaic, and it's one of the reasons why most of my musings don't turn up in this much-neglected blog!  I just completed my last entry for this year in my journal, simply because there were no more empty pages!  Time to start a new one. The following contains my ramblings from today's entry as I reflected on the events of  Matthew 4....

I wonder if the devil came in some physical form when he came to tempt Jesus...

I wonder if angels have ever come to "attend" to my needs...

I wonder if Zebedee was ever angry with Jesus for taking his two sons and leaving him with all the work...

I wonder (and pray) if there can be a new move of God's power to sweep over modern day Syria, multiplying thousands upon thousands of Christ followers...

It just seems fitting to close this journal with questions, since mostly that is what I have for my Lord.  The events of this year have once again confirmed my inability to figure things out, to have the answers.  Too often, my questions come out of frustration and doubt.  I'm reminded, however, of the potential to flip these moments into wonder.  The Advent season is a great time to begin this practice, to leave the questioning and complaining behind (Chances are, we won't find the answers anyway!) and turn them into wonder.  My prayer today is for expressions of wonder to permeate my being as I celebrate the first advent of Christ and look forward to his glorious return.