
Finding What’s Next: Creating New in Life’s Transitions

Finding What’s Next: Creating New in Life’s Transitions

Transition is an invitation to discovery. But it often feels like uncharted territory. When we lean into the discomfort of change, trusting that God is leading us, something beautiful emerges.

Creative Conversations

Creative Conversations

Just as the warmth of Spring triggers the onset of new growth, internal and external change can be the impetus for creative seasons in our lives. How we leverage these seasons of change can make all the difference. Creative conversations play a big part in the process.

Resilience, Trauma and Transition

Resilience, Trauma and Transition

Resilience helps us thrive and grow through and beyond traumatic events. When we are resilient, we know how to approach and handle a crisis situation. But we also know how to adapt and grow on the other side of crisis. Resilience is also a key ingredient to successful transitions.

Five Benefits of Healthy Goodbyes

Five Benefits of Healthy Goodbyes

Research and personal experience reveal just how critical healthy goodbyes are to the transition process. Yes, even for the introverts among us who would rather board the plane and save the goodbyes for later! Here are five benefits of saying meaningful, healthy goodbyes...