What is Your Go-To Theme?

First things first. I'm making my book, Transition Companion, completely free on Amazon for three days only starting this Saturday! Snatch it up HERE

Some of my biggest regrets during transition have revolved around missed opportunities with God, family, and friends. The problem was with my perspective. I was seeing transition as an obstacle to pass through as quickly as possible rather than an opportunity to experience God more deeply and make some memories with the ones I love.
— Transition Companion
My daddy said it best in his new book Transition Companion. It’s become my favorite morning read.
— Adrianne

The above quote from my book and comment from my daughter is taken from one of her recent Facebook posts. I was reminded of why I penned those words. It's because I so often find myself in a rush to get to the next thing, missing out on joy and peace in the moment. Whether I'm in transition or not, my perspective has a direct influence on my approach to life, and my perspective is too often scarcity. Let me explain.

I recently attended a webinar taught by Jerome Daley for life coaches who want to grow personally and professionally. The topic revolved around three big story themes by which we tend to measure our degree of satisfaction. These themes mirror our emotional programming for personal fulfillment. Where we land determines how "happy" we feel. The themes are:

  • Performance to Belonging

  • Scarcity to Abundance

  • Fear to Trust

The attendees were challenged to consider their personal go-to theme(s). The middle one was highlighted for me. So often I consider time as something scarce. There is never enough time, or so I've been programmed to think. But what if God, who operates out of a place of abundance, gives me more than enough time? What if He desires to give me this perspective, from His eternal timeline?

How might I structure my moments, my days, my week differently by going from a place of scarcity to abundance, as it relates to time?

 I'm determined in 2017 to seek a perspective shift from scarcity to abundance. How about you? What is your go-to theme? And how might you move from one end of the spectrum to the other in the new year?

With gratitude,

P.S.  A reminder to grab a free copy of my book Transition Companion, this Saturday thru Monday only! I simply ask that you share this blog or my book with somebody who could use some encouragement.