Gaining Clarity to Live with Purpose and Intentionality

Hey Friend and Happy Spring!

This is one of my favorite times of the year. It's a time when things dormant and seemingly lifeless spring up. The plants and flowers were there all along, right beneath the surface. But now, in the fullness of time, their beauty is revealed.

Needs and Values are kind of like that. They're easy to ignore as we speed through life, giving little thought to what lies underneath - those core desires and motivations. Yet if ignored for too long, we lose sight of the WHY.

What’s really important, and why? What am I willing to invest in order to answer that question with confidence and clarity?

Doing the deeper work of discovering our core needs values is one of the first steps toward living with purpose and intentionality. Self-discovery and discernment take some hard work. But the investment is well worth it.

Getting clarity on core values and prioritizing our lives around those values is the work of springtime in my opinion. It's a reflective process done both alone with God and with others. It cultivates and prepares the soil of our hearts. It's just good soul care.

Sow righteousness for yourselves,
reap the fruit of unfailing love,
and break up your unplowed ground;
for it is time to seek the Lord,
until he comes
and showers his righteousness on you.
- Hosea 10:12

Once we do the deeper work of clarifying our needs and values, we have a much better chance of leaning into God's ultimate plan for our lives and into the opportunities He's giving us.

Are you ready to take the next step toward clarity? Download my free values clarification resource here

Want to gain more personal clarity? Take the full Needs and Values assessment here

Want to take an even deeper dive? Take the full assessment and book a coaching call with me to gain further clarity

Here's to greater clarity!
